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Program Evaluation

The Xavier University evaluation assesses how the RCMI program is performing in terms of achieving its goals. The Administrative Core systematically utilizes evaluation processes and findings in its ongoing strategic planning to improve how university-wide research programs and planning processes are implemented and refined. Each key activity of the RCMI program is evaluated both formatively (process) and summatively (outcome) using qualitative and quantitative data. The Xavier University RCMI evaluation questions are:

  1. How effectively has Xavier'脛么s RCMI program administration been in developing and enhancing sustainable biomedical research infrastructure through pilot projects, seed grants and professional development activities?
  2. How successful has Xavier'脛么s RCMI been in publishing and presenting scholarly work, as well as in obtaining competitive extramural support for sustainable cancer research that includes intra- and inter-Xavier research collaborations and in translating research to the benefit of the public?
  3. How has sharing Xavier'脛么s RCMI core laboratory facilities, resources, expertise, data and technologies within the university and with its external partners enhanced and promoted biomedical research?

The evaluation program has established performance measures in the form of metrics and milestones for each activity and core lab with detailed timelines for achieving the milestones.

We utilize five evaluation mechanisms: (1) the Xavier strategic plan and the RCMI evaluation plan, (2) staff time dedicated to data collection, coordinating and reporting, (3) an Internal Advisory Committee of local experts, (4) an External Advisory Committee of independent experts to provide candid guidance and feedback, (5) an external independent evaluator and (6) a feedback loop to ensure appropriate and timely management responses. Evaluation is fully integrated into the project.