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RCMI Administration

Principal Investigator Gene D'脛么Amour, Ph.D.

Program Director & Principal Investigator Guangdi Wang, Ph.D.

Advisor and Consultant Regina Benjamin, Ph.D.

Associate Program Director Robert Blake, Ph.D.

Associate Program Director Daniel Sarpong, Ph.D.

Program Manager Erica Severan, MS

Administrative Core

The Administrative Core is responsible for managing Xavier's RCMI Cancer Research Program in its daily operation and offering the administrative support needed to help the center achieve research goals. The Administrative Core will provide leadership in establishing new research focuses and collaborations for pushing Xavier University'脛么s biomedical research to the next level of competitiveness in funding and publishing. The long term goal is to ensure the achievement of all RCMI objectives through effective management and synergistic interactions with other research programs on campus, thereby significantly enhancing Xavier'脛么s biomedical research capabilities.

Organizational Chart of Xavier's RCMI Program