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Student Research Opportunities

Student Research Opportunities

LCRC funded faculty at Xavier can use some of their funds for student research training. If you are interested is doing cancer research while an undergraduate at Xavier, contact Mrs. Stephanie Wiebke at 520-5326 or swiebke@xula.edu to get a list of currently funded faculty.

Collegiate Cancer Council

The Collegiate Cancer Council (CCC) is a student-run cancer awareness and health disparities organization. If you are interested in this organization contact Dr. Thomas Wiese at twiese@xula.edu.



The main goal of Partnerships for Research and Education in Materials (PREM) is to enhance diversity in materials research and education by stimulating the development of formal, long-term, collaborative research and education partnerships between minority-serving colleges and universities and the NSF Division of Materials Research (DMR)-supported centers and facilities'ÄîNSF Xavier and the NYU MRSEC enter a Partnership for Research and Education in Materials (PREM) to develop a strong materials science research core at Xavier 'Äì the #1 school in the nation in graduating African-American chemists, physicists and biologists 'Äì and an undergraduate materials science educational program (MSEP) that will introduce a materials science track within the ACS-certified Chemistry program at Xavier.

MARC (Minority Access to Research Careers) Program


The purpose of the MARC Program is to prepare minority undergraduate honor students for success in Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. programs.

RISE (Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement) Program

The purpose of the RISE Program is to increase the interest, skills, and competitiveness of underrepresented students in pursuit of Ph.D. degrees and biomedical research careers.


Xavier'Äôs Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program is designed to help students who wish to pursue a Ph.D. McNair scholars participate in semi-monthly seminars featuring guest speakers and topics of importance for prospective Ph.D. students. Select McNair students to travel during the year and conduct research internships in the summer.


GradStar is a part of a systematic, coordinated effort to place more Xavier students into graduate and professional schools. It is directly concerned with addressing the under-representation of African Americans in these types of programs. GradStar students are advised on graduate, business, and law school opportunities and are guided through the entire application process for their respective programs.

Cancer Biology Graduate Programs:

The Cancer Biology Training Consortium (CABTRAC) was established in 2005 to facilitate the exchange of ideas between individuals and institutions dedicated to the mission of training the next generation of cancer researchers. The consortium works closely with over 40 institutions within the US as well as the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Training Branch.

Our Vision
There should be a voice that represents the basic science/translational discipline of Cancer Biology

We must define the core elements of training in Cancer Biology and disseminate this information.

We should engage in a dialog with the National Cancer Institute at all levels about the importance of the field of Cancer Biology to the National Cancer effort

We should support and learn from each other through meetings and support new Cancer Biology programs by providing data and organizational materials.

Peterson's Guide to Graduate Programs

You can search for graduate programs at this website

Direct links to Cancer Biology programs:

  • University of Cincinnati
  • Dartmouth University
  • Purdue University