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Funding Opportunities from LCRC for Xavier Faculty

1. XU LCRC Travel Awards

Xavier faculty may request up to $2000 per year at any time from the LCRC for travel to present cancer research at a national meeting or attend training required for their cancer research. This award is intended for investigators that do not have travel funds from other sources or those that can justify additional travel funds. Requests must include a statement addressing how the travel will enhance the investigator's cancer research and all details for the meeting, including an abstract if applicable, and should be sent to the Xavier Associate Director of the LCRC. Note that travel funds are not guaranteed until awarded and awards are subject to the availability of funds. Requests will be evaluated as received on an individual basis by the Xavier Associate Director of the LCRC.

2. XU LCRC Shared Equipment Purchase

Two or more XU LCRC investigators can request funds for shared equipment used for cancer research. Proposals may be submitted to Xavier Associate Director of the LCRC at any time and must include a 2-5 page justification that clearly states how two or more XU LCRC investigators will use this equipment in their cancer research and why this equipment is needed if similar capabilities are available in the LCRC or RCMI cores. Requests will be evaluated as received on an individual basis by the Xavier Associate Director of the LCRC.

3. Bridge Funds

When a grant submission or competitive renewal is not yet funded, or not funded and detailed comments have been received by the PI, funds of up to $50,000 per year for one year may be requested so that the investigator's work can continue in anticipation of a successful award or resubmission. Requests will be evaluated annually on an individual basis by the LCRC Scientific Executive Committee and the Xavier LCRC Internal Advisory Board.

4. Seed Funds

Xavier faculty may apply for LCRC funds of up to $50,000 per year for two years to collect preliminary data that will develop new cancer research projects. First priority for awards is for junior or beginning faculty members to start their research careers at Xavier, followed by senior faculty who need support to transition into a new research area. Requests will be evaluated annually on an individual basis by the LCRC Scientific Executive Committee and the Xavier LCRC Internal Advisory Board.

5. Salary Support Funds

Xavier faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences may apply for funds to pay summer salary for one month or to support 25% release time in one academic semester. First priority for awards is junior faculty who are in need of summer salary support or release time to enhance their research careers at Xavier. Salary support fund requests must include approval by the department chair. Requests will be evaluated annually on an individual basis by the LCRC Scientific Executive Committee and the Xavier LCRC Internal Advisory Board.

6. Student funds

LCRC-funded faculty can request to use some of their LCRC funding for student training at Xavier. Click to download the following forms: request form and student progress report form.