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Argos Training

"Argos," is a data reporting tool that provides reports pertaining to enrollment, class demographics, budget and more based on current Banner data. The Report Viewer hands-on training course is designed to expand end users knowledge of the reports available in Argos, how to execute the reports, and how to manipulate the data in excel, adobe acrobat or a text file. Many examples will be presented. This Argos training event is mandatory for those that are currently using Brio.

Topics Covered in Argos Training

Identify support resources Evisions support page
Training schedule Technical documentation
Argos Folder Structure  Purpose of folders
Navigation in the folder structure Contents of folders
Datablock Navigation Form Object Operations
Form Navigation Define Report
Learn to execute an Argos report Launch a Quick Launch
Launch a QuickView Report Launch a CSV Report
Launch a Banded Report Launch an Extract Report
Web-viewer Logging in