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Office of Fiscal Services

Welcome to the Office of Fiscal Services

So, here's a little bit about us. The Office of Fiscal Services is responsible for the following accounting functions: accounts and grants receivable, accounts payable, billings and disbursements, budget management, cashiering, check disbursements, collections, equipment and property inventory, endowment management, financial accounting reporting, grant accounting reporting, internal accounting controls, investment management, payroll administration.

Besides performing various accounting functions for the staff and faculty of Xavier, we also provide services to students such as, check cashing, issuing refunds, collecting payments, posting charges, holding registration, and many other supportive services.

Cashier Hours:

Effective August 1, 2017

Monday thru Friday
10:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
1:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.

Online Payment System

Students can now electronically pay tuition, housing, and fees using Xavier University's Online Payment System (OPS).

The OPS offers a fast, economical and secure method for utilizing credit cards (Visa, Master Card, Discover or American Express) to pay for PEARL assessment and, after registration, to pay your outstanding balance.

The Online Payment System is not available during registration.

For instructions on how to process an Online Credit Card Payment, visit: Online CreditCard Payment Instruction

Students can utilize the Online Payment System to make PEARL payments. However, to be fiscally cleared, the minimum requirement of 50% must be paid, and the signed PEARL letter must be returned to the Office of Fiscal Services by the designated due date.