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The CMHDRE began in 2004, with a primary focus on diabetes and diabetes related illnesses. With time and an expanding interest in the work of the CMHDRE among faculty and staff, cancer soon became a secondary focus of the Center with key faculty of the College of Pharmacy (COP) dedicating large percentages of their time to cancer related research.

In an effort to grow the Center even further and to address emerging concerns in the African American community, CMHDRE extended support to faculty pursuing research in the area of asthma and building the capacity to conduct future phase III and IV clinical trials in COP. Presently, the Center has expanded its focus to encompass the social determinants of health (SDOH), or the social, economic and environmental conditions that influence these disease burdens. These include income/employment, physical environment, childhood development, amongst others.

The burden of disease in Louisiana attributable to the social determinants of health suggests an increasing need for research and education in these areas.


Center Goals:

  • To foster collaboration with internal and external academic research centers to improve minority health outcomes.
  • To provide a supportive environment that strengthens minority health & health disparities research capacity of faculty members.
  • To develop student-oriented programs to support health disparities research, community engagement and postgraduate education. 
  • To advance and sustain meaningful partnerships with diverse communities to address minority health and health disparities through translational and community-engaged research, education and practice.   
  • To foster collaboration with internal and external academic research centers to improve minority health outcomes.