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Telehealth Visits

Telehealth Visits

Xavier university Health and Wellness is adapting to today’s ever-changing society due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) offering a telehealth platform to meet the medical and counseling needs of our students.

What is a telehealth appointment?

Telehealth is the delivery of health care services through live, interactive videoconferencing or by phone. Telehealth allows you to see and speak to your clinician (or other health care service provider) without you having to travel away from home. Telehealth is quickly becoming the new norm for universities, and in the private health sector, to reach patients in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The benefits of a telehealth appointment include:

  • Convenience and expedience
  • Avoiding exposure to infectious diseases in the clinical setting
  • Ability to meet with a clinician and determine if an in-person visit is necessary or even advisable.

Should I ask for a telehealth appointment?

  • If you have an emergency or are severely short of breath you should go immediately to a local hospital or call 911.  SHS is not able to provide ongoing Oxygen or Respiratory support for severely ill patients.
  •  If you are in a crisis and need to speak to someone immediately, contact Counseling Services at 504-520-7315, University Police at 504-520-7490 or the Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) for immediate support.

How is telehealth different from a regular in-person visit?

Your telehealth appointment is similar to your regular visit. The only difference is that you will see and speak to your doctor via videoconferencing or via phone! The Health and Wellness telehealth system uses a secure, HIPAA compliant implementation of Zoom which you can access via computer or phone. Just speak normally as if you are having an in-person conversation. You should be able to see and hear your clinician clearly.

There are a few differences between a telehealth appointment and an in-person visit.  During a telehealth appointment:

  • Your vitals may not be taken
  • The clinician will not be able to conduct a hands-on physical exam
  • Your clinician will determine whether or not the condition being evaluated and/or treated is appropriate for a telehealth encounter. 


How is my privacy protected?

Your privacy is important to us. Your appointment takes place in real-time and is not recorded. The equipment is all on a secured network that meets the same privacy and security standards as the medical equipment you find in Student Health Services and Counseling Services.

In addition to the clinician protecting your privacy, there are steps you can do as a patient to protect your own privacy.

  1. Review your Patient's Rights & Responsibilities
  2. Identify a private and quiet space to have your telehealth appointment. You should plan to hold your appointment away from family, roommates, strangers, etc.


Contact Us

Office of Counseling Services

St. Joseph Academic & Health Resource Center

Building #13, Room 202

Office: 504-520-7315

Fax: 504-520-7943

Mailing Address

​1 Drexel Drive
P.O. Box 36
New Orleans, LA 70125

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

After 5:00 pm - By Appointments Only