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Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault Resources

Sexual assault ranges from unwanted touching to rape. Sexual assault occurs when a person does not, or is unable to consent to sexual activity. A person is unable to consent when he or she is forced, threatened, intimidated or is mentally or physically incapacitated. Rape is defined as forced sex. Sexual assault is unwanted sexual touching and fondling that stops short of rape or attempted rape.

Date rape, sexual assault, and rape are all pressing matters. Each year, students across college campuses report sexual assaults that occurred on or off campus. The statistics are alarming and many cases go unreported as students do not report sexual assaults to anyone. We want you to get help, know that you can report if yourself or someone else is sexually assaulted, and know that your voice matters. Please review the informational resources and important contact information. Please call the Counseling & Wellness Center on Campus at 504-520-7315, Campus Police at 504-520-7490, and Student Services at 504-520-7359 to report any cases of sexual assault and to inform if any student is an alleged perpetrator as well.


  • In immediate danger, call 911 to receive emergency help of which the police a detective from sex crimes unit will be called out as well to take your report
  • Please go to the (SAFE Center) Emergency Department immediately or within 120 hours from the time of the assault with (SAFE Center) Emergency Department at University Medical Center at 2001 Tulane Avenue New Orleans, LA 70112 or call 504-702-4542
  • Do not wash, shower, eat drink or throw away the clothing during the attack as this will be important for evidence collection.
  • Call campus police if experience situation on/near campus at 504-520-7490
  • Call 24/7 Crisis Line at 504-866-9554
  • Call Counseling & Wellness Center on campus at 504-520-7315 or walk in at St. Joseph’s Academic and Health Resource Center 2nd floor Suite 202
  • Please get help as emotional self-care, medical care, and wellbeing are essential.
Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Resources

Crisis Hotlines

  • Louisiana Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-888-411-1333
  • Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Hotline 1-800-656-4673

Local Centers for Help

  • CARE Center (Children’s Hospital): 504-896-9237
  • Domestic Violence Program (Family Services of Greater New Orleans): 504-822-0800
  • Metropolitan Center for Women and Children: 504-847-5400
  • New Orleans Family Justice Center: 504-592-4005 24 Hour Hotline 504-866-9554
  • (SAFE Center) Emergency Department: (504) 702-4542
  • Medical Center of Louisiana at New Orleans: 504-903-5009
  • Project Save (Emergency legal Representation domestic violence): 504-310-6872
  • STAR (Sexual Trauma Awareness and Response): 504-407-0711
  • Tulane Law School Domestic Violence Clinic: 504-865-5153
  • Victims of Crime (VOCA) (Family Services of Greater New Orleans): 504-826-7336

Website Resources

  • Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault 
  • Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence 
  • Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network 

You can text love is to 22522 to ask questions about relationships.

**Please contact the Xavier University Counseling & Wellness Center at 504-520-7315 for further assistance, counseling, or referrals. We are located at St. Joseph Academic and Health Center on the 2nd floor, Suite 202. Campus Police contact is 504-520-7490.