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Injury, Illness, or Surgery

Injury, Illness, or Surgery

Temporary Injury

In case of a temporary injury that requires academic accommodations from ODS, please contact us to make an appointment as soon as possible. All students with a temporary injury are required to have appropriate documentation of the injury on file in the ODS office.

If you have questions, contact ODS at 504-520-7607 or email @ disabilityservices@xula.edu.

Necessary Documentation

Documentation from a qualified medical professional is required. Documentation should contain the following information:

  • Diagnosis
  • How the condition impacts the student in an educational setting
  • Expected duration of the condition
  • Recommendations for accommodations that address any limitations caused by the condition. See a list of possible ODS academic accommodations.

Areas of Assistance

  • Academic Accommodations
  • Transportation and Parking
  • University Housing and Dining


ODS encourages students experiencing a temporary injury to meet with their course instructors as soon as possible to discuss the need for academic accommodations. Although temporary conditions are rarely considered disabilities, please be aware that ODS still requires advance notice to coordinate accommodations. For information about advance notice please see our service request timeline.


Students whose injuries impact their ability to take notes should contact ODS to determine if there is a note-taking option available.

Alternative Testing

Students whose injuries impact their ability to complete exams in the designated time period can request assistance from ODS. ODS will determine if additional time, a writer, a reader, a test proctor, or adaptive technology can be provided depending on the type of injury and the amount of time between the request and the test date.

Assistive Technology

Students whose injuries impact their ability to type or complete computer assignments in a timely manner should meet with ODS staff to identify possible accommodations.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Access Services

Students whose injuries impact their ability to hear should meet with the ODS Coordinator to identify possible accommodations.

Classroom Relocation

If your injury impacts your ability to navigate stairs or access your classroom, ODS may be able to assist with relocating your class to a more accessible location. Please be aware that ODS works with the Registrar's Office to accommodate classroom relocation requests but may not be able to accommodate requests made less than 6 weeks before the start of the term.


On-Campus Transportation

Students with medical conditions that limit mobility should contact ODS for assistance.

Off-Campus Transportation

Student are responsible for their own off campus transportation.

Handicapped Permits 

Handicapped Permits are issued to students who has a disability or medical condition. All requests for this type permit must be submitted to the Director/Chief of Police, along with a letter or certificate from a Physician.

Please visit parking information page for information about finding accessible parking.



Students who reside in the residence halls and have temporary illnesses or injuries may need additional assistance. You may want to talk to your Resident Assistant (RA) or Resident Director (RD) about the following:

  • Accessible entrance to residence hall
  • Room reassignments (in conjunction with ODS)
  • Assistance with meals


Contact Us

Office of Disability Services

The Convocation Center Annex
Building #62, Room 215A
Office: 504-520-7607
Fax: 504-520-7947

Mailing Address

1 Drexel Drive
P.O. Box 180
New Orleans, LA 70125

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Testing Center Hours 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM