Jeremy Tuman received a B.A. from the University of Alabama and an M.F.A. from the University of New Orleans. He began teaching at Xavier in 2008 and has served as Director as First-Year Composition since 2014. In addition to teaching courses in composition, literature, and creative writing, he has been heavily involved in the general first-year-studies program (first Freshman Seminar, now XCOR) where he has taught service-learning courses, partnering with local schools and organizations that work with the unhoused population. He is the author of one novel, Stereo Killer (2019).
Mr. Tuman's research areas include composition pedagogy, literacy studies, service-learning pedagogy, and the intersection of social justice and liberal arts education.
Office Hours:
MWF 9-9:50, 12-12:50. TR 9-10:40. Or by appointment.